Wednesday, August 17, 2016

How to Speak English fluently???

Do you want to speak English well?

Are you looking for a tips to English fluency?
Here are some tips that will help you speak English better than ever.

1. Don’t Study Grammar Too Much

This rule might sound strange to many students, but it is one of the most important rules. If you want to pass examinations, then study grammar. However, if you want to become fluent in English, then you should try to learn English without studying the grammar.

Studying grammar will only slow you down and confuse you. You will think about the rules when creating sentences instead of naturally saying a sentence like a native. Remember that only a small fraction of English speakers know more than 20% of all the grammar rules. Many ESL students know more grammar than native speakers. I can confidently say this with experience. I am a native English speaker, majored in English Literature, and have been teaching English for more than 10 years. However, many of my students know more details about English grammar than I do. I can easily look up the definition and apply it, but I don't know it off the top of my head.

I often ask my native English friends some grammar questions, and only a few of them know the correct answer. However, they are fluent in English and can read, speak, listen, and communicate effectively.

Do you want to be able to recite the definition of a causative verb, or do you want to be able to speak English fluently?

2. Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes

Sometimes it can be difficult to put all those rules and words together into a simple sentence. Don’t let the fear of saying something wrong stop you from speaking at all. Even if you think you’re making a mistake, keep speaking anyway. Most of the time, people will understand what you’re trying to say, even if you make a mistake. Plus, the more you speak, the easier it gets, and the more quickly the right words will come to mind.

3. Learn and study phrases

Speaking English fluently means being able to express your thoughts, feelings and ideas. Your goal is to speak English in full sentences, so why not learn it in full sentences? You’ll find that English is more useful in your everyday life if you study whole phrases, rather than just vocabulary and verbs. Start by thinking about phrases that you use frequently in your native language, and then learn how to say them in English.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes

Sometimes it can be difficult to put all those rules and words together into a simple sentence. Don’t let the fear of saying something wrong stop you from speaking at all. Even if you think you’re making a mistake, keep speaking anyway. Most of the time, people will understand what you’re trying to say, even if you make a mistake. Plus, the more you speak, the easier it gets, and the more quickly the right words will come to mind.

5. Learn from Everywhere

You don’t have to only learn English from textbooks and teachers – anyone who speaks English can help you practice. Imagine how you would feel if someone asked you, in your native language, how to pronounce something? Would you be angry? No! You’d probably be happy to help, just like most English-speakers are happy to help you. If you know any English-speakers, whether it’s a friend or co-worker, take advantage of the opportunity to practice and learn from them.

6. Study correct material

A common phrase that is incorrect is, "Practice makes perfect." This is far from the truth. Practice only makes what you are practicing permanent. If you practice the incorrect sentence, you will have perfected saying the sentence incorrectly. Therefore, it is important that you study material that is commonly used by most people.

Another problem I see is that many students study the news. However, the language they speak is more formal and the content they use is more political and not used in regular life. It is important to understand what they are saying, but this is more of an advanced lesson that should be studied after learning the fundamental basics of English.

Studying English with a friend who is not a native English speaker is both good and bad. You should be aware of the pros and cons of speaking with a non native speaking friend. Practicing with a non native person will give you practice. You can also motivate each other and point out basic mistakes. But you might pick up bad habits from one another if you are not sure about what are correct and incorrect sentences. So use these practice times as a time period to practice the correct material you studied. Not to learn how to say a sentence.

In short, study English material that you can trust, that is commonly used, and that is correct.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Do you use natural spoken English?

 *** Do you use natural spoken English?

If you listen carefully to native speakers of English, you'll notice some important differences in the way they speak compared to learners of English. Native speakers use connected speech, weak sounds, intonation and sentence stress that many non-native speakers find difficult or 'unnatural'. Ask a teacher or research online how these pronunciation features influence your speech. Listen to recordings of native speakers of English (for example, on YouTube) and try to imitate their use of connected speech or intonation by pausing the recording and repeating what you hear. With enough practice, you will start to sound more like a native speaker.

# Do consider grammar vs fluency
To do well in the speaking test you will be expected to be both grammatically accurate and fluent. Often, students worry too much about their grammar and this stops them speaking at a natural pace, thus reducing their score for fluency.
A good thing to do is record yourself. Record yourself once and just focus on being grammatically accurate. When you listen back, you might hear how unnaturally slow your speech is. Next, record yourself and try not to worry about making any grammar mistakes, just try to speak at the same speed you do in your native language.
By doing this, you not only practise your fluency, but also identify common grammar mistakes and then fix them, making you even more fluent. Even native speakers make small grammar mistakes when speaking, so don’t worry too much about them and use them as stepping stones to success.

# Do find your passion
Students often obsess over past exam questions and practice these over and over. The problem with this is students often get bored and speak without any passion about these topics. A better way is to find something you are really interested in and practice speaking, using this topic. If you love football, listen to the commentators during matches or listen to a podcast about the weekend’s matches. If you are into fashion, watch some fashion shows on TV or YouTube. You can practice talking about these things with a friend, record yourself or find other like-minded people online and chat to them.

# Do take time to think
If you are asked a question you are not sure about, don’t be afraid to take a moment to think about it. This is totally natural and something native English speakers do more than you think. The important thing is to tell the examiner you are doing this by using phrases such as the following:
That’s a difficult question. Let me think for a second...
That’s a very interesting question. Let me think for a moment...
It’s very difficult to know exactly, but perhaps...
It’s difficult to say. I think…
I don’t really know for sure, but I would say….
But make sure you don’t start every question with one of these phrases. The examiner will spot this and your mark will suffer if the examiner thinks you have prepared scripted answers.

# Do correct yourself
Don’t be afraid to correct any mistakes in the exam. This shows the examiner that you are aware of the mistake and know your grammar. Some students don’t like doing this because they think it alerts the examiner to your mistake leading to a lower score. The opposite is true. In fact, if you think about it, you probably correct mistakes in your own language all the time.

Describe a friend of your family- IELTS Cue cards

*** Describe a friend of your family you remember from your childhood.
You should say:
Who the person was?
How your family new this person?
How often this person visited your family?
and explain why you remember this person.

My topic is to describe a family friend. Near by my house, there is a nice family with whom we have a close relationship since long. They are always with us weal and woe/in our good times and bad times. Mr. Jamil belongs to this family. I called him Jamil uncle. I like him for two reasons number one he is very honest and dedicated Secondly, he was a freedom fighter. By profession, he is a successful businessman. Every member of his family is extremely friendly. We have known Jamil uncle since the liberation war of Bangladesh. At that time I was not born but I have known the history from my parents how this person helped us during the liberation war.
Uncle Jamil always visits us specially at weekends. We also go to there in his house. I always remember this person from my childhood. I have seen him helping our family many ways. He has a lot of experience and he gives us a lot of advice whenever we have any problem.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Describe a time when you got into trouble - IELTS Cue card

*** Describe a time when you got into trouble either at school or at home.
Why you got into trouble?
Where you punished for what you did?
How getting into trouble affected you?

My topic is to describe a time when I got into trouble. First of all, I would like to say that, I don't know why I frequently get into trouble. I think that, I am a little bit careless and I get into problems. However, providence helps me and I come out from the problems easily. During my SSC exam, on the second day I forgot to bring my admit card. The examiner will not allow me to enter the hall. I requested and requested but in vain already, the exam started and I started to cry. Suddenly, from nowhere came my class teacher. He rebuked me and requested the help examiner and I could enter the hall. In the meantime half an hour have already gone. I was very much shocked and nervous and paper was not as good as I anticipated hoped.

5 Approaches to Make an effort to Control Your career.

What’s the matter because of this narrative? You’re never dealing with your job. You’re doing all your deliver the results. You’re dealing with a person's forex broker, but the truth is aren’t attempt to deal with your job. You’re essentially interested in a person's leader to take care of them for yourself. The challenge is definitely: A person's leader is definitely fast paced dealing with her / his private employment. So… you must get started dealing with you. You might want to own it.

Quite a few specialists nowadays check out their particular administrators to control their particular job way and also velocity any time in reality; that is the one you have and also the one you have on your own to control. It’s really easy to have trapped inside our perform that individuals drop picture individuals job. Thus, how will you control your own personal job confidently? Listed below are more effective methods commence taking care of your career nowadays:
1. Established and also talk apparent targets

The main element that will get what you would like will be realising what you would like. You need to realise what you would like from the job and you should become apparent concerning these kinds of targets along with your director along with your tutor. These kinds of targets may also be fantastic approaches to determine the development from the yr and also decades within your typical efficiency critiques.
a couple of. Generate a great available comments trap

The particular most difficult action to take is always to notice sincere comments, as it isn’t constantly optimistic. Yet, the opportunity to tune into almost all comments and also alter consequently will be what is going to increase your career. Make sure you are usually ready to accept the nice, the particular negative as well as the unpleasant comments. This kind of will allows you to alter work along with your targets.
3. Think of the feats in different ways

Test to take into account work with regards to AROUND: Quantities, Illustrations, Successes, and also Final results. Most of us have got obligations. Nevertheless, the those who be noticeable speak about their particular obligations with regards to quantities, successes, and also final results and so they have got illustrations to be able to again that upwards. Just what quantities, illustrations, successes, and also final results would an individual generate in 2010?
some. Control work trials

You almost certainly execute a fantastic venture when every 1 / 4 then one in which absolutely satisfies the particular AROUND standards. You understand, any venture or perhaps deliverable that you will be very pleased within which added for the accomplishment with the business. Acquire in which perform and also retailer that in the specific folder on your desktop or perhaps inside the fog up. Have a look at Dropbox, CredHive, or perhaps Package and commence curating work.
5. Be in the particular dialogue

Examine market guides, sites and also sites. Discuss the most effective posts and possess any viewpoint of your personal. Place oneself being words with the market plus a beneficial useful resource inside your specialist local community. Once you notice fantastic articles, help make a great topical opinion and also connect to influencers on the market.